How Many Discord Servers Can You Join

by | May 5, 2023 | Technology

Discord is one of the most popular communication platforms among gamers and communities worldwide, offering voice, video, and text chat services for free. When it comes to joining Discord servers, many users wonder how many servers they can be part of, and whether there is a limit to the number of servers they can join.

In this article, we will delve into Discord’s server limit, explore why it exists, and what users can do to manage their server membership without compromising their user experience.

So, let’s dive in and find out how many Discord servers you can join!

Introduction: Understanding Discord servers and their purpose

Discord is a popular communication tool that gamers, content creators, and communities use to connect with each other. Discord servers serve as virtual hangouts where people can chat, voice call, and share media.

It’s like a private chat room for your friends or group, with additional features that make it an all-in-one platform for communication and entertainment.

The purpose of Discord servers varies depending on the community or group they belong to. Some servers are created for gaming communities, where members can join and chat while playing multiplayer games.

Other servers have been made for content creators to connect with their followers and engage with them directly. Finally, some servers are just casual hangouts for like-minded individuals interested in topics like movies, music, literature, and so on.

Discord is an incredibly flexible platform that allows users to create and join servers without any charge. With its user-friendly interface, Discord is easy to use and navigate. As a user, you can join as many servers as you want, making it an ideal way to stay connected with multiple communities. However, there are certain limitations and factors that you should keep in mind before diving into the world of Discord servers.

In the following sections, we’ll explore whether there is a limit to the number of Discord servers you can join, the factors that may affect the number of servers you can join, tips on managing and organizing multiple Discord servers, how to leave Discord servers and declutter your profile, frequently asked questions about joining and leaving Discord servers, and how to maximize the use of Discord for a better online experience.

Is there a limit to the number of Discord servers you can join?

Discord is one of the most popular communication platforms for gamers and online communities. One of the features that users love is the ability to join multiple servers at the same time, allowing them to stay connected with different groups of people. But, is there a limit to the number of servers a user can join?

Server Limitations

There is no limit to the number of Discord servers you can join. However, there are some factors that may affect your ability to join more servers. One of these factors is the Discord server cap. Discord has a server cap of 100 servers that a user can be a member of at the same time.

If you exceed this limit, you won’t be able to join any more servers until you leave some of the previous ones. This is to ensure that the platform doesn’t get overloaded with too many users on one server. Additionally, if you belong to more than five servers, you may notice a delay in the loading and notifications of Discord itself.

How to join more servers

If you’ve hit the 100 Discord server limit, there’s no need to worry. You can still join additional servers by leaving some of the inactive or less important ones. This will make room for the new servers that you want to join.

It’s also important to note that some servers have their own limits on the number of members they allow. A server may be full and have a waiting list, or the server owner may have set a requirement to access it, such as a higher user level or role.

If you’re looking to join a specific server and you can’t seem to gain access, it’s best to check the server’s rules and requirements.

Overall, Discord provides a limitless community experience that allows you to join as many or as few servers as you want – as long as you keep in mind the server cap.

Just keep in mind that the more servers you join, the more you need to organize and manage them for a better experience.

Factors that may affect the number of Discord servers you can join

While Discord doesn’t have a specific limit on the number of servers you can join, there are some factors to consider that can affect the number of servers you can comfortably manage.

Technical Limitations: One of the main ones is technical limitations. If you have a low-end device or poor internet connectivity, trying to join too many servers may slow down or even crash your device, which can be frustrating. Therefore, it is vital to assess your device’s capabilities and internet speed before joining multiple servers.

Time Management: Another factor that may affect the number of servers you can join is time management. Joining multiple servers may give you access to a wide range of social groups and communities, but managing and staying active on all the servers can be challenging and time-consuming. Therefore, it’s important to join servers that align with your interests and limit the number of servers you can actively participate in or manage.

  • Consider joining servers with specific niches or topics you are genuinely interested in or passionate about.
  • Limit your involvement in servers that don’t align with your interests to maintain focus and balance on servers that matter.
  • Prioritize and organize servers based on importance or relevance to ensure you’re focusing on the right communities.

By considering these aspects, you can manage multiple servers efficiently without feeling overwhelmed or disconnected from the community.

Tips on managing and organizing multiple Discord servers

Discord servers provide a great platform for communities to connect, communicate, and collaborate. However, joining multiple servers can be overwhelming and disorganized if not managed well.

In this section, we will discuss some essentials for a better online experience.

1. Categorize your servers

Organize your servers by creating categories that group them based on their purpose or content. To create a category, right-click on the server and click on “Server Settings”.

Then, click on “Create Category” and choose a name for your category. You can also drag and drop servers to their corresponding categories.

2. Adjust your notification settings

Notifications can be a distraction and can quickly become overwhelming when you belong to multiple servers. You can customize your notification settings to ensure that you only receive notifications for important messages. To adjust your notification settings, go to “User Settings” > “Notifications” and select the servers that you want to receive notifications from and the types of notifications you want to receive.

3. Use server folders

Server folders are an excellent way to declutter your profile and easily access the servers you frequently use. You can create a server folder by dragging and dropping a server onto another server. You can also add servers to existing folders or create a new one.

4. Use server emojis and icons

Using server emojis and icons can help you quickly identify servers and the type of content they contain. You can customize your server icon by going to “Server Settings” > “Server Icon” and uploading an image. You can also use server emojis by adding custom emojis or using the server’s default emojis.

By following these tips, you can effectively manage and organize multiple Discord servers and improve your online experience. However, it’s essential to regularly assess the servers you belong to and leave those that no longer serve your needs or interests. We will discuss this further in the next section.


How to leave Discord servers and declutter your profile

In this section, we will guide you on to avoid clutter and spend less time navigating channels and groups.

Leaving a Discord Server

If you decide to leave a Discord server, follow these simple steps below:

Step 1: On the left-hand side of your screen, locate the server you wish to leave and right-click on it.

Step 2: From the menu that appears, select “Leave Server.”

Step 3: On the pop-up that shows, confirm that you wish to leave the server by clicking “Leave Server” again.

That’s it! You have successfully left the server.

Decluttering Your Profile

If you’ve been a Discord user for a while, you may find yourself being a member of several servers. To declutter your profile, follow these tips:

1. Leave inactive servers: The first step to decluttering your profile is to leave servers you are no longer interested in or participating in. An inactive server can quickly accumulate clutter and affect your overall experience.

2. Disable server notifications: You can limit the notifications you receive from each server by going to the server settings, selecting notifications, and setting your preferred notification settings.

3. Use server folders: Discord now offers server folders to group servers according to interest. Create and label folders by categories like gaming, entertainment, work, etc., to keep your profile well organized.

By following these tips, you can declutter your profile to have a pleasant Discord user experience.

Frequently asked questions about joining and leaving Discord servers

In this section, we will address some of the common questions users have about joining and leaving Discord servers.

What happens when you leave a Discord server?

When you leave a Discord server, you will no longer have access to its channels, voice chats, and other features. You will also be removed from the member list and cannot send direct messages to the remaining members. However, your messages and username will remain visible in the server’s chat history.

Can you rejoin a Discord server after leaving?

Yes, you can rejoin a Discord server after leaving as long as the server’s invite link is still valid. You can either ask for a new invite link from a current member or retrieve it from the server’s website or social media pages.

Is there a limit to the number of servers you can leave or join in a day?

There is no limit to the number of Discord servers you can join or leave in a day. However, joining too many servers at once may cause your profile to be flagged as a spam account, and leaving too many servers may affect your reputation among members.

Can you hide or delete a Discord server from your profile?

You cannot delete a Discord server from your profile unless you are the owner or an admin of the server. However, you can hide a server by archiving or minimizing its tabs in the server list. To archive a server, right-click on its icon and select “Archive Server”. To minimize a server, click on the arrows next to its icon.

By understanding how to join and leave Discord servers, you can better manage your online presence and engage with communities that align with your interests and preferences.

Conclusion: Maximizing the use of Discord for a better online experience

In conclusion, Discord servers have become an essential part of online communication, providing users with a variety of options for social interaction, gaming, and community building.

As seen from this article, there is no limit to the number of Discord servers you can join, but factors such as server capacity and your device’s specifications may affect your ability to join multiple servers.

Nevertheless, with proper organization and management, you can get the most out of your Discord experience.

To make the most of your Discord experience, here are some tips to consider:

Join servers that align with your interests and goals

Be selective when choosing the servers to join, and only pick those that match your interests. This way, you can engage with like-minded people who share your passions.

Create and manage your own server

If you can’t find a server that suits your interests, why not create one? Creating a server enables you to build a community around your shared passion.

Organize your servers with folders

With so many servers available, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Use the folder feature to group your servers by category, making them more accessible.

Leave servers you’re no longer interested in

As your interests change, you may find that some servers no longer hold relevance to you. Unjoining such servers prevents cluttering your profile and keeps your focus only on the servers that matter to you.

By following these tips, you can maximize your use of Discord and build meaningful connections that enhance your online experience.

People Also Ask

What is Discord?

Discord is a free communication app that allows users to create servers, join communities, and chat with others via voice, text, or video.

Discord allows users to join up to 100 servers at once.

What happens when you join too many Discord servers?

Joining too many Discord servers can cause performance issues and make it difficult to manage notifications. It is recommended to keep the number of servers a user joins to a manageable amount.

Can you increase the number of servers you can join on Discord?

No, currently Discord does not allow users to increase the maximum number of servers they can join at once.

What happens if a server reaches its maximum member limit?

When a Discord server reaches its maximum member limit, new users will not be able to join until a current member leaves or is removed from the server.


Discord allows users to join up to 100 servers at a time. Joining too many servers can cause performance issues and make notifications difficult to manage.

Discord does not currently allow users to increase the maximum number of servers they can join at once.

If a server reaches its maximum member limit, new users will not be able to join until a current member leaves or is removed from the server.

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